Friday, February 27, 2009

Back and Better than ever!!

   Wow. I am SO glad to finally have my computer working. It was down for the better part of the week. Something to do with a missing Windows file.  I struggled with it all yesterday and finally found a CD that worked. Then once I got Windows running I had to find drivers for my video card. Let me just put it to you this way... I'm not very computer savvy. So I spent the better part of the evening looking up drivers on the internet. It about brought me to tears. And I was upset and then got all crabby with my  husband, even though none of it was his fault. 

   So anywho, I am up and running and I never thought I would be so lost without a computer. I tried surfing the net on the Wii, but it just didn't give me the kind of results I was looking for. Besides, do you know how hard it is to use the Wii to look up stuff on the internet??!? 

   I am glad that I bought 4 books at the used book store the day before the computer crashed. What lovely foresight I have. ( If only if worked when I really needed it!) Those books didn't last to long. Sadly I read all 4 in about 3 and a half days. ( Did I mention that I love to read? And I'm a very fast reader?) 

   But on the upside I did log some really good time on Lego Star Wars for the Wii. Now that's a fun game! I finished all the levels and went onto finding all the hidden stuff. I keep trying to have my dad play it because he is a Star Wars fan, but I think he's afraid it will be to kid-ish. Oh no DaddyO. I love it. Yea, some of the animation is silly, but it's a good game the whole family can watch/play. 


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ramblings of a very bored housewife...

SO! Welcome to my second post. Hope everyone is enjoying the blog. Everyone being my sister Jen, since she's probably the only one who knows I have this.  Not to much is going on today. Just doing the normal thing. Get up, make the bed, put in laundry if there is any to be done. Go downstairs and unload and load dishwasher. Sweep, mop, vacuum. <--- that word is spelled so weird by the way. I feel bad for Joe. He's working 6 days a week because they are so backed up at work. Well, I'm off to find a different layout for my blog. I hope everyone has a great day and hopefully my next post will be way more exciting!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Q&A How's my blog??

So, this is my first blog! I hope everyone likes it. Don't really have much to say today. Got up early and cleaned the house a bit. Checked my e-mail and browsed the web. For some reason I have a thing about checking for news about the stimulus plan, every morning. I have some mixed feelings about Obama being president and that plan is one of them. Don't get me wrong, I think he will probably be able to do great things. It's just that I think some of the things he's planning on spending millions of dollars on is just plain dumb. The money would be better spent in so many different ways than ,"hybrid vehicles for the government officals." Silly stuff like that. How is that going to help our economy? How is that going to give the tens of thousands of jobless people jobs??? anyway, post comments and share your thoughts.